Images: Images on this web site may be used only to promote Eagle Claw-Shappell products. No alterations to images is allowed except to resize to fit end use. Use may not be obscene or pornographic and may not be disparaging, defamatory or libelous to Eagle Claw-Shappell and its products or any person or entity. Use may not directly or indirectly imply Eagle Claw-Shappell sponsorship, affiliation or endorsement of your product or service, without written permission. Under no circumstances is the use of third party images allowed that may appear on No other written permission is required.
Trademarks: "Shappell", "Shappell ATC", "Jet Sled", "Kodiak" and "Trail House" are registered trademarks of Laker Co.
"Bay Runner", "IceHouse", "Iceman", "Limey Louie", "Minuteman", "Super Tote", "Trail Chair", "Wide House" and "Yellow Belly"
are trademarks of Laker Co. References to a mark must include the register mark ®, or trademark ™, at the
first and most prominent mention. References to a list of marks should begin with "Shappell" followed by registered then
other trademarks in alphabetical order.